Our Worship Service
At Peace Presbyterian Church, we worship at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. We worship in a hybrid format that includes participants in the sanctuary and on Zoom. Our sanctuary has screens and cameras to facilitate this hybrid format.
The key elements of our worship service are:
We gather as a community that shares in Christ's peace and love. Currently, we gather with face coverings and physical distancing, but we have people to greet and welcome you to our sanctuary each week..
We share in the leading of worship. We have a reader besides the pastor who leads part of the service, usually from Zoom, and there are times we share in reading and worship through the use of liturgy that is call and response. Typically, the words we all say together are in bold print in the bulletin.
We worship with music. We sing hymns and worship songs together, with the leadership of a pianist and a guitarist. If you suggest a hymn, the worship leaders will include it!
We confess our sin together. We believe that each of us fall short of God's glory and calling for us, and that sin is both individual and corporate in nature. We sin against God and against each other, so we stand together and confess our sins every week. We also have a time of silent prayer and reflection, so that we can confess our individual sins and consider how we might ask God to help us amend our ways.
We hear God's word read. Each Sunday, we hear particular scripture passages read. At Peace, we typically follow the Revised Common Lectionary. We ask God to open our hearts and minds to the reading of God's Word.
We hear God's word proclaimed. Our pastor prepares and preaches a sermon each week on the scripture to be read in the worship service. Preaching is the announcement of God's good news in Christ who invites us to participate in the ongoing activity of God at work in the world to bring about redemption, not only for us, but for all creation.
We affirm our faith together. The Affirmation of Faith is when we declare what we believe. It is usually a creed of the ancient church or a modern statement of faith from our Book of Confessions.
We pray for our church, community, and world. We have a time of prayer each Sunday where we lift up the names on our prayer list and pray for people and places in need and for Christ's ministry in the world. We usually end this time of prayer by praying The Lord's Prayer together.
We offer ourselves and all we have to God. As a symbol of power and of what is valuable to us, we make an offering of money to help those in need and to promote the work of the gospel. The time when the offering is collected is also a chance to consider how else we might respond to God's goodness.
We are sent out to love and serve our loving God. The pastor offers the charge and benediction, words meant to challenge and bless us.
The key elements of our worship service are:
We gather as a community that shares in Christ's peace and love. Currently, we gather with face coverings and physical distancing, but we have people to greet and welcome you to our sanctuary each week..
We share in the leading of worship. We have a reader besides the pastor who leads part of the service, usually from Zoom, and there are times we share in reading and worship through the use of liturgy that is call and response. Typically, the words we all say together are in bold print in the bulletin.
We worship with music. We sing hymns and worship songs together, with the leadership of a pianist and a guitarist. If you suggest a hymn, the worship leaders will include it!
We confess our sin together. We believe that each of us fall short of God's glory and calling for us, and that sin is both individual and corporate in nature. We sin against God and against each other, so we stand together and confess our sins every week. We also have a time of silent prayer and reflection, so that we can confess our individual sins and consider how we might ask God to help us amend our ways.
We hear God's word read. Each Sunday, we hear particular scripture passages read. At Peace, we typically follow the Revised Common Lectionary. We ask God to open our hearts and minds to the reading of God's Word.
We hear God's word proclaimed. Our pastor prepares and preaches a sermon each week on the scripture to be read in the worship service. Preaching is the announcement of God's good news in Christ who invites us to participate in the ongoing activity of God at work in the world to bring about redemption, not only for us, but for all creation.
We affirm our faith together. The Affirmation of Faith is when we declare what we believe. It is usually a creed of the ancient church or a modern statement of faith from our Book of Confessions.
We pray for our church, community, and world. We have a time of prayer each Sunday where we lift up the names on our prayer list and pray for people and places in need and for Christ's ministry in the world. We usually end this time of prayer by praying The Lord's Prayer together.
We offer ourselves and all we have to God. As a symbol of power and of what is valuable to us, we make an offering of money to help those in need and to promote the work of the gospel. The time when the offering is collected is also a chance to consider how else we might respond to God's goodness.
We are sent out to love and serve our loving God. The pastor offers the charge and benediction, words meant to challenge and bless us.