Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women meet on Thursday a month at 11:00 a.m. To find the date of the next meeting, call the church office at (910) 488-3211 or email [email protected].
Our current study is "What My Grandmothers Taught Me" from Horizons Publishing
Peace Presbyterian Women are very involved in mission giving and support of local organizations.
Some organizations supported are:
Some organizations supported are:
Fayetteville Urban MInistry
CARE Clinic
Family Promise
Connections of Cumberland County
Department of Social Services (foster families)
Presbyterian Prison Ministry
Spoken Word Ministries
Lorena Clark Piner Scholarship Endowment
Barium Springs
Church World Service
Heifer International
CARE Clinic
Family Promise
Connections of Cumberland County
Department of Social Services (foster families)
Presbyterian Prison Ministry
Spoken Word Ministries
Lorena Clark Piner Scholarship Endowment
Barium Springs
Church World Service
Heifer International
Peace Presbyterian Women also:
- Collect the Birthday Offering and Thank Offering for national PW projects
- Participate in the Fellowship of the Least Coin
- Assist our young people with educational costs in high school or college
- Support and Staff Vacation Bible School
- Purchase Bibles for our children and youth Sunday School students
- Support various projects around the church building